Clank-LZ Controller
The Clank-LZ Controller is a standalone / adhoc implementation of an ongoing experiment in modular controls for CNC machines in general. I'll make an effort in this repo to freeze development of those controllers for this particular machine, which is meant to work consistently and not break on the edge branch.
Circuits & Firmware
... PSU breakout, circuit, CAD and firmware
... ESC breakout, circuit, and firmware
... Steppers, circuit and firmware
Bootloader and Building
... have the feather-m4 bootloader, link to... std JTAG pinout. one pin on stepper motor board removed when loading code.
... vscode, code in the repo's above, load via usb
... runs a mixture of virtual machines / distributed control: JS handles for low level machine interface, UI wrap. serves from folder in here, auto-connects USB, reads GCodes.