@@ -34,6 +34,11 @@ start serialserver in the terminal so you can see the logs as it tries to connec
check serialserver is running with: <code>ps aux | grep node</code>
# Common Issues
1.*Help! My SRM-20 will only run a single job and then go dead!* Chances are you are using printserver.js instead of deviceserver.js to connect to the machine. For now, we need to treat the SRM-20 as a device instead of a printer.
2.*Argg... why do I need to reset permissions on /dev/usb/lp0 every restart?* You can use `sudo add_user username lp` and `sudo add_user username lpadmin` to make persistent permissions.
3.*Why is my web socket connection refused when the addresses are the same?* This can happen due to a difference between IPV4 and IPV6 addresses. In your start mods server script, try changing to ::ffff: and see if it helps.